11 definitions by Melizza

Spoiled suburban skateboard kid who tries to act tough and sometimes ghetto. Mom forces him to go to church hoping he'll get saved. Grew up with everything but still unhappy. Gets owned in any fight against urban kids. Eventually gives up skating and goes to college.
by Melizza August 27, 2005
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A tech savvy generation with the unfortunate distinction of being born after the Boomer generation and thus having to suffer through the worse childhood of any generation.

Generally, for those who survived being spoiled rotten or beaten by their parents, they became happy, outgoing, and very innovative. For those who had to fight their way out they became leaders, innovators, and strong willed.

Criticized for being slackers but surviving the boomer generation would take the energy and initiative out of anybody.
Anyone born between 1967 and 1981.

Joaquin Phoenix, Kurt Cobain, Marc Andreessen,
by Melizza August 27, 2005
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Architect whose originality and style were overshadowed by his inflated view of self and tendency to create structures that leaked, were difficult to heat, and cracked. Embraced 'hypocritical humility' which is funny because he had nothing really to be arrogant about. The Unity Temple in Oak Park, like many of his works, looks like an upscale military barracks. He wasted alot of time avoiding the arch and pillar. Wright couldn't hold a candle to much better architects like Louis Sullivan or Daniel Burnham.
Jane: Hey what's that building over there?
Mark: It's a Borg complex. It was created by some guy named Frank Lloyd Wright.
Jane: Never heard of him.
by Melizza September 25, 2005
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Alien beings born between 1946-1964. Sent here from Mars to bring us horrible music, food and culture. They fall into two categories a)Hippie Boomer b)Republican Boomer.(See below) Gave birth to Gen Xers and Y's. They are either desperately trying to hang onto their jobs or looking to retire and send boring emails to their kids.

Hippie Boomer- Smoked weed, did LSD, protested vietnam, usually anti-republican. Now running many corporations and holding most teaching positions in colleges and universities. Overated view of self and relevance to history. Drives an SUV or Volvo.

Republican Boomer- Hopes to preserve the 1950's against hippie boomer leftism. Generally mildly racist and the parent of at least one gay child. Tends to focus on money and politics more than art and music. Drives an SUV or pickup truck.
Mary: Hey, hows it going?
Julie: I found out my parents are Baby Boomers.
Mary: I'm so sorry.
by Melizza August 27, 2005
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The controversial and indirect act of surrendering rights, resources, and possesions(including children) to another person, group, or authority due to abuse, neglect, and overall stupidity on the part of the original owner(s). Necessitated by progress or changing local, national, and international advances in civilization and morals. Typically very beneficial in the long term to most of society.
Mark: Hey, why are you taking away my children!!!!
Officer: Your meth lab was endangering their lives.
Mark: I'm American, I have rights. This is fascism!
Officer: No, it's Property Forfeiture.
Mark: Can I keep my meth lab equipment?
Officer: No.
Mark: This is communism!
Officer: Get in the car.
by Melizza September 20, 2005
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A world filled with lazy, out of shape, undisciplined whiners who break down under the smallest of pressures and complain about everything the military does.
Sgt: Where are you headed soldier?
GI: I'm going home! Back to civilian life.
Sgt: Are you nuts? You'll die a miserable death.
by Melizza October 9, 2005
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A woman who got married, raised children and stayed home then suddenly around her mid-late 50's(after the feminist movement) decided she wanted to be independent of all responsibility and dress like a teenager and divorce her husband.
Mike: Hey what's wrong with your mom?
John: She's been watching 'Sex in the City'
Mike: She looks like a sausage in that spandex.
John: She's become a grandfather feminist.
by Melizza August 27, 2005
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