14 definitions by Sasquatch_Rebel

The real Asperger's Syndrome is part of autism. However, some posers decide to be "autistic" and start self-diagnosing themselves as those who Asperger's Syndrome. Not only do they make it seem more like a poser disorder, they make real aspies want to beat the living shit out of them.

The example would be an emo kid who labels herself having Asperger's without a doctor who knows shit. I'm not much into emo shit so I knew that emos try to look cool using other people's diagnoses. What about being Bi-Polar and having that emo use that diagnosis sent by the doctor instead?
BTW, I know better than to proclaim to have Asperger's Syndrome even though I'm been diagnosed with one by the doctor. It is not glamorous or hot. In fact, it makes me too much like Phil Fry when I walk around in the city.
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 3, 2008
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Creatures with one top half of it human and the other half scorpion. Often depicted in Sumerian and other early Mesopotamian art, they were armed with stingers and bows and arrows that never missed the target. One of them did help Giglamesh get to the Land of the Dead.
*Scorpion Men scramper by*

Nerd: "Did you see Scorpion men walk by?"

Jock: "Are you imagining this shit again?"
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 3, 2008
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An American who waves american flags, supports George W. Bush, and is proud to be part of the rich populace. Most people who are rich and upper middleclass, part of the more politically influenced churches and religions, and are against those who are Anti-war, pro-choice, feminist, and other liberals who "corrupt" America's moral and social soil especially in the Bible Belt. Tends to be socially, philosophically, and educationally uneducated in other words as they deal with anarchists (especially those who side with anarcho-syndicalism and anarcho-communism)and other liberals/radicals who are opposed to the State's ideas especially about War, Enviromentalism, and other ideas that impact America and other nations. Also the slave to American corporatism.
1. There are so many American Idiots in Missouri! God, there is even one living right next to me!
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 5, 2008
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1. Short for faggot when refering to stupid idiots like Cloud Strife and George W. Bush

2. Used by the British to mean cigarettes

3. Dirty word for Gay men.
1.Sephiroth: "Cloud is a FAG!"

Cloud to Zack Fair: "Sephy's stupid!"

2.Wanna Fag?

3. Did you see that fundie wearing the T-shirt, "God Hates Fags?"

by Sasquatch_Rebel May 5, 2008
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Someone, who like the Misogynist, hates people with physical appearances but yet denies it. A misogynist is against both the feminists and the feminazis. However, the ableist has the illogical mindset that involves all people with disabilities as mental retards, contends that they be fixed, and believes they get infected with being a retard if they come in contact with them. They insult them in front of public places and think that they were funny until if luck would have it, they get disabled in the carwreak or less likely, if they have a child inside of them with the disability as they tend to abort them. More likely they're going to learn from experience when they found out that they were wrong about those with disabilities.
Adolf Hitler <---That's person's a retarded ableist.
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 1, 2008
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1. Ol' Fashioned Term being the mentally disabled person that has problems with logic.

2. Word used to insult both disabled and sometimes non-disabled because of their stupidity that incites annoyance.
Prep no. 1: "That kid's gay cuz' he's into Goth even though Goth's Dead!"

Prep no. 2: "Yeah, he's a retard!"
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 1, 2008
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Sephiroth: "Cloud Strife is nothing more than a Faggot!"

Prez Bush is the king of Faggots
by Sasquatch_Rebel May 3, 2008
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