45 definitions by Satandog

To try and punch someone; old-time Brit slang. First cousin to Take a Swing and Swing For.
"I swear to God if Dave fucks my mom again I'm gonna take a pop at 'im, I'll swing for the fucker."
by Satandog May 2, 2006
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Popular Brit affirmation - a form of no-bullshit total agreement.
"That fart stinks! Were you out on the beer and curry last night, mate?'
"Dead Right, mate"
by Satandog March 28, 2006
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Radioactively green shite eaten by people from the North of England, usually covered in mint sauce and eaten with chips on cold and rainy nights standing around drunk at fun fairs wondering if you should shag the fat bird.

Made with dried marrowfat peas which are first soaked overnight in water with bicarbonate soda/baking soda, then rinsed in fresh water and simmered.

They still look and taste like radioactive green shite though.

And you didn't shag the fat bird. Your best mate did.
I ate some mushy peas when I should have shagged the fat bird at the fun fair.
by Satandog September 7, 2014
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Never mind the quality...feel the width. Phrase used to persuade you that quantity is more important than quality. Originated from unscrupulous London backstreet tailors palming you off with cheap material instead of the good stuff for your suit.
"Hmm. This suit smells of dead germans and cat piss, and is sturdy enough to both restrain a rutting wart hog and give me heat-stroke if the mercury climbs above 60 degrees, my good man".
"Never mind the quality, feel the width my son! They don't make cloth like this anymore!"
by Satandog April 22, 2006
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...feel the width. Phrase used to persuade you that quantitiy is more important than quality. Originated from unscrupulous London backstreet tailors palming you off with cheap material instead of the good stuff for your suit.
"Hmm. This suit smells of dead germans and cat piss, and is sturdy enough to both restrain a rutting wart hog and give me heat-stroke if the mercury climbs above 60 degrees, my good man".
"Never mind the quality, feel the width my son! They don't make cloth like this anymore!"
by Satandog April 18, 2006
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Charming British expression referring to trying out something untested or kind of unknown. It's really a metaphor - the new thing is like a boiled sweet, the uknown consequences are the flavour, so you "suck it and see"!
"Shit fella, I'm not so sure about these shiny pants. They look pretty gay."
"No worries mate - suck it and see. You might get lucky".
by Satandog March 14, 2006
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Entertainment industry acronym for Direct To Video, can apply to any title not released in theatres before being released to buy or rent. Can be a perjorative for poor quality product.
"Heard about the new Katherine Heigl movie"?

"Yep, that shit's gonna be DTV, with a bullet".
by Satandog May 6, 2011
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