16 definitions by Tannasgh

From the words rhino (nose) and lith (rock). A Rhinolith is an enormous hard booger that when removed has a semblance of having a rock pulled from ones nose.
Dude, I can't breathe...

Check your nose for a rhinolith...

Yep, that's what it was alright, look at the size of this thing, I think they used these to build Stonehenge.
by Tannasgh September 4, 2006
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nontheist - a person that never considers religion in any form.
Differs from an atheist in that an athiest's belief is in not having beliefs.
Differs from an antithiest in that there is no active rebuttal of beliefs.
Essentially someome that neither has an opinion on, nor thinks about religion at all.
My friend John is a nontheist. I have never heard him engage in any religious conversation and when asked he honestly replied he had never really thought about it.
by Tannasgh November 30, 2005
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Boggling is the seemingly dyslexic result of an attempt at blogging. Generally speaking it is a blog which is: poorly thought out, devoid of critical thought, replete with grammatical errors and absent any meaningful, referenced facts.
Person 1: I just read what I thought might be an interesting blog, but boy was I wrong.

Person 2: What was wrong with it?

Person 1: Well, the topic was confusing at best, and the facts didn't support what little was understandable, and the conclusion had zero to do with the facts or the topic. To top it off, it read like it was written by someone on their phone riding down a gravel road. The level of stupidity was mind boggling.

Person 2: Ah, then I suppose the author was boggling instead of blogging.
by Tannasgh June 29, 2016
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Boggling is the seemingly dyslexic result of an attempt at blogging. Generally speaking it is a blog which is: poorly thought out, devoid of critical thought, replete with grammatical errors and absent any meaningful, referenced facts.
Person 1: I just read what I thought might be an interesting blog, but boy was I wrong.

Person 2: What was wrong with it?

Person 1: Well, the topic was confusing at best, and the facts didn't support what little was understandable, and the conclusion had zero to do with the facts or the topic. To top it off, it read like it was written by someone on their phone riding down a gravel road. The level of stupidity was mind boggling.

Person 2: Ah, then I suppose the author was boggling instead of blogging.
by Tannasgh June 29, 2016
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Boggling is the seemingly dyslexic result of an attempt at blogging. Generally speaking it is a blog which is: poorly thought out, devoid of critical thought, replete with grammatical errors and absent any meaningful, referenced facts.
Person 1: I just read what I thought might be an interesting blog, but boy was I wrong.

Person 2: What was wrong with it?

Person 1: Well, the topic was confusing at best, and the facts didn't support what little was understandable, and the conclusion had zero to do with the facts or the topic. To top it off, it read like it was written by someone on their phone riding down a gravel road. The level of stupidity was mind boggling.

Person 2: Ah, then I suppose the author was boggling instead of blogging.
by Tannasgh June 29, 2016
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A term from the Philip K. Dick book titled "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". The term itself describes the unidentifiable broken bits and pieces of things that seem to litter the world around us. Pieces of plastic, wood, rock, paper and any number of other materials that are obviously manufactured but cannot be directly related to their use. Fripple has a tendancy to collect and over time makes a layer all of its own.
I walked down the sidewalk staring blankly at the fripple covered concrete and wondering to myself where all of these small bits of things came from and what they belonged to. There was not one item I was able to associate with anything.
by Tannasgh July 2, 2006
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The wet, splattered butt you are left with after a high velocity oatmeal type dump. This is often the result of eating a lot after a long drinking binge. Most often splatterbutt sessions are followed by a shower and a serious scrubbing except in the case of college freshman.
After the kegger the other night we went and killed a couple of jalpeno meat lover pizzas. I spent the whole morning with splatterbutt and had to shower four times.
by Tannasgh February 14, 2006
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