23 definitions by Vulch5

The act of assfucking a dingleberry infested Bengal Tiger in a cornfield after it eats a family of Indian farmers.
The Indian family probably deserved it, but that tiger needed a good bengaling.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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A police officer caught eating bacon at the local diner before his shift.
Is that pig eating another pig? What a fucking canniboliceman.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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When you walk across the street, kidnap your neighbor's yapping dog, carry it to the third floor of your apartment, and viciously punt it off the balcony.
Yeah, call me a poochpunter. But fuck you and your asshole dog.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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A person who dons a spacesuit and swims through the river of sewage underneath the streets New York City.
My wife and I are total sewernauts.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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A person who goes into the desert, captures vulchers, buries them up to their neck in sand, and hits their heads off with a five iron.
I think Matt Jones is going to join Tiger in the PVGA next year. He's an excellent vulchergolfer candidate.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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The historic event in which the yup-yup martians beamed McDonald's sesame seed buns into Big Bird's stupid yellow beak until he choked and died, resulting in a grand feast during which all of the Sesame Street characters feasted on Big Bird's fat stupid corpse. Snuffallupacus was later quoted saying "Tastes like chicken!" Elmo was deliberately punched in the face by Oscar everytime he said, "please sir, may I have s'more". Oscar was quoted saying"no Elmo, the sun will not come out tomorrow you fucking retard" (even though he secretly hoped it would). The Cookie Monster only showed up for desert, which turned out to be neopolitan icecream. Furious, he kicked over Oscar's trash can and started a street brawl.
The sesame Street brawl was a tragic incident, but at least it ended the famine brought about by Big Bird's gluttonous greed.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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Dood, you up for some clam baking tonight? Lisa and Lesley are coming over.
by Vulch5 September 16, 2015
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