24 definitions by Woohzal

An Australianism or Aussieism for "bloody hell" or "Geeze" or "holy cow", is usually an expression of surprise or disgust or amazement.
G'day mate, strewth you had us all bloody scared when we saw you with that bush pig in the car.
by Woohzal March 11, 2008
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A person that resides or is born in the state of Queensland, Australia.
Also known as a canetoadthey usually deck themselves out in the colours of maroon once a year for the annual State of Origin} series
Proud to be a Queenslander.
by Woohzal March 11, 2008
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A person who is exploding with expletives (swear/curse words)usually all over someone or something.

I laughed my ass off when I saw Mike swinging an axe at his car explediating like a madman.

by Woohzal March 12, 2009
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An Australianism or Aussieism for shit or damn, it actually has many many uses.
Can be put with the words "it" or "off" to make to similarly different meanings.
Bugger off you Nigel!
Bugger it! The spanner slipped and I've ripped all the skin off my knuckles.
by Woohzal March 11, 2008
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An Australianism or Aussieism for an unintelligent person, a loser, a halfwit or someone that is running on half a deck.
LOL! Did you see that drongo just do a linelock outside the police station? He is busted for sure.
by Woohzal March 11, 2008
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This is a slang term for Australianism which is a term for Australian slang.

Some of these aussieisms are made internationally famous by Australian celebrities and the rest are words used in other countries but have a different meaning in Australia.
Nigel no friends, Bush pig,G'day, Drongo, Strewth, Onya, Crikey, Bugger, Mexican are all Aussieisms.
by Woohzal March 11, 2008
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