16 definitions by _GoD_

A general derogatory term for a female, akin to "slut" or "whore".
That whore bag nailed my brother after leaving my place last night!
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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"Here I was surrounded by my family and my so-called mates and I've never felt so alone. Never in all my puff." -Mark Renton, Trainspotting
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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attacked with or assaulted with a brick as the weapon
He walked in the door after his walk with a terrible head wound, "I got fucking bricked by the neighbor kids!" he said.
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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a person who generaly gets no respect.
He was picking on this wee gadgee at the bar.
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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scottish origion; a state of confusion
I was winning the game by a lot, and my opponent was over there looking all biscuit-arsed.
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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Homemade methamphetamine which is adulterated or very impure.
Man, I think I got the bathtub billy by mistake!
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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I need twenty thousand quid for my new car
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
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