7 definitions by bf

Verb. 1. To have a craving for Jonesy. 2. To jones for jonesy.
Check her out, she must be Jonesying, I saw her check out his package!
by bf December 11, 2004
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Adult Monkey: did you hook up with him?
Bag Food: no, he's a two-cabber!
by bf October 30, 2003
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The act of munching man bum as demonstrated by Edd Head Bert
Egg head had a man give him a but munch
by bf June 15, 2006
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1. large burlap sack used to store four-square balls.

2. a scrotum
Principal Skinner tied in a burlap sack by his students: "quick Mr. Nibbles chew through my ball sack"
by bf December 12, 2004
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The sound made by a dying giraffe. Originates from the South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
by bf December 9, 2004
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1. An enigma wrapped in a conundrum.
2. A repeater of "Sic em Bears"
Me: Baylor Sucks
Jonesy: Sic Em Bears
by bf December 12, 2004
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If you were a hot dog and you were starving in the desert would you eat yourself?
I know I would, I'd slather myself in mustard. I'd be delicious.
by bf December 10, 2004
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