41 definitions by chuckybubbles

Something that smokers usually do because they are losers. They are so filled with self-hatred and disdain for the world around them that they see nothing wrong with filling the streets with cigarette butts. Assholes.
Hey asshole! Could you maybe stop littering and pick up after yourself? Your mother isn't here to clean up your shit!
by chuckybubbles December 2, 2011
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an addictive drug that basically does three things:

1) smells bad

2) hurts people

3) creates litter
how about putting that cigarette in the toilet where it belongs? then you can piss on it like it deserves, and maybe even take a dump! then you can flush that filth down with all the other shit.
by chuckybubbles October 22, 2012
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an orifice of the body that makes a loud noise. this can refer to the mouth (belching), the anus (farting), or the vagina (queefing).
dude, quit playing those loud tunes out you backdoor boom box!
by chuckybubbles May 16, 2009
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something that makes you fart, as opposed to "fattening" being something that makes you fat.
don't eat beans before a date, because they are fartening.
by chuckybubbles April 7, 2009
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the process by which things are destroyed in the house if they are too weak or poorly designed. for example, if a carpet is destroyed by a vacuum cleaner or a container melts in the microwave. this weeds out the sick and weak household items that do not deserve to survive, allowing the better-constructed items to thrive.
the plate that melted in the dishwasher is just another victim of domestic selection, as it apparently did not deserve to survive.
by chuckybubbles April 26, 2010
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A person who lacks class. Trashy people exist among all races and socioeconomic levels. Trashy people lack meaningful goals and purpose in life. They are not very concerned with academic subjects, worldly matters, nor culture, but are more amused with unimportant matters and simple activities such as celebrity gossip, shopping for useless merchandise (like cigarettes), and excessive partying into late hours. Other than spending money, trashy people contribute little or nothing to society, which is why they are associated with "trash". Due to low self-esteem and insecurity, trashy people inhale a lot of filth from cigarettes, attempt to overcompensate and "try too hard". Examples are wearing excessive amounts of make-up, wearing provocative clothing (whether they're in shape or not), driving a vehicle that is excessively large for their needs (e.g. a Hummer), getting drunk and behaving obnoxiously in clubs and bars, yelling at strangers from car windows, making derogatory statements, promiscuity, and talking loudly in profane and explicit language in public. Although they may think they're cool, most other people find them obnoxious, stinky, immature, irresponsible, and unattractive.
The cast members of Jersey Shore are trashy.

Richmond Street in Toronto, and rue Crescent in Montreal, are full of clubs and bars frequented by trashy smokers and hoes (not the garden tool).
by chuckybubbles January 15, 2012
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