9 definitions by considerthefollowing

The name given to all definitions in the Urban Disgustitionary.

Read them at the peril of being scarred for life.

Common words used when reading a disgustifinition: ew, gross, ewwwww, ugh, no,
I wish people could use the Urban Dictionary without writing disgustifinitions.
by considerthefollowing June 27, 2018
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laughing even louder
laughing extra loud

lemurs empathizing loudly
Lel, can you believe he actually said that!!!
by considerthefollowing June 27, 2018
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1. The reason why you are here reading this.
2. The reason why I wrote this.
3. The reason why most of the definitions are here.

4. The reason why most memes exist.

5. The reason why people find memes funny.

6. Humanity's worst enemy, according to them and the fact that people actually made a show about the Kardashians.
First person: Why did you even bother writing another definition for boredom when so many already exist?

Me: Read the 10th word of your question again and you'll have an answer.
First person: Boredom......oh.
by considerthefollowing June 26, 2018
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The corpse of a brutally drowned cucumber.

Usually used on burgers.
You do realize when you're eating pickles you're eating the corpse of a once-delicious vegetable, right?
by considerthefollowing June 29, 2018
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A giver of false hope.

The reason why you always wait to do your work, and then the reason why you have none of it done on time.
Before the weekend: Two days off means more time to work on stuff!
During the weekend: I'm gonna rest for a while....
by considerthefollowing June 26, 2018
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Depending on how it's used, sarcasm can be a defense against stupidity or stupidity itself.

Stupidity: When someone asks someone else a decent question and they reply rudely with unneeded sarcasm.
Defense against stupidity: When someone asks a stupid question that more than deserves a sarcastic answer.
When I asked Jo if she was gonna order ramen again, she said "Nooooo. I'm not gonna order what I order every day."
That sarcasm was totally unnecessary, and stupid.
by considerthefollowing June 27, 2018
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What you call the Urban Dictionary after searching a completely normal non-disgusting word and come up with some nasty nasty description of it that makes you never want to see the word or Urban Dictionary again.

Synonyms: Urban Disgust, Urban Ewtitionary, The Book Of Nasty Descriptions
Ewwwww..........I'm never searching anything on the Urban Disgustitionary ever again.....
by considerthefollowing June 26, 2018
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