62 definitions by dookeyboy

The ongoing massive public dumping of sensitive diplomatic cables online by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange that continues to embarrass the U.S. State Department.

A play on the word Watergate from the early 1970s U.S. political scandal that eventually resulted in the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon.
Julian Assange awaits extradition from Britain to Sweden on trumped up rape charges, but everyone knows he's really a victim of international political intrigue regarding his roll in Cablegate.
by dookeyboy December 7, 2010
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1. The study of all things related to Apple, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac, etc. and the humble beginnings and future of the company, up to and including Steve Jobs' personal life.

2. The typical half-assed explanation and semi-remorseful corrective action proffered by Apple whenever one of its products has a less than stellar launch.
1. Dude, I'm taking Applology 101 at Kissass U this fall semester!

2. Dude, I appreciate Apple's applology and this nifty little $.59 case they provided for free so my iPhone 4.0 can finally get reception!
by dookeyboy November 18, 2010
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a verbal ass-reaming by Sarah Palin against the lame stream media and gotcha journalism
Dude, I don't watch Faux News much anymore cause every single night it's nothing but one big Palinoscopy.
by dookeyboy November 22, 2010
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A plastic credit card issued by most states to enable ostensibly poor people to buy cigarettes, beer, tabloids, potato chips, and lottery tickets. Often sold and traded on the black market for drugs, drug paraphernalia, and sex.
My mother hit the daily number for $500 with a lottery ticket she bought using food stamps.
by dookeyboy November 20, 2010
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a serious disease characterized by female name calling that often leads to fisticuffs
She decked you?! Well, what did you expect her to do after you cholera bitch?!
by dookeyboy November 14, 2010
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Ignorant way of saying, texting, or posting on facebook the contraction of should have (should've). Especially pathetic when supposedly educated people use the phrase.
I should of paid attention in high school English class so my participles wouldn't be dangling.
by dookeyboy November 21, 2010
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Acronym for "What a fuckin' douchebag!"

Most properly used when texting or posting on facebook, or perhaps verbalized as "W-A-F-D" when kids are around or in an extremely "proper" situation.
On facebook: "Hey fb fam, went to Best Buy on Black Friday and was waiting 45 seconds for some dude to pull out of a parking spot when some rich asshole pulled his Bimmer in before me. WAFD!"
by dookeyboy November 17, 2010
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