151 definitions by liz

When a guy or girl is completly crazy for someone and goes to extents to get the.
I know a grappleberry for you Kat!!

Woah. Thats guy is such a gappleberry!
by liz June 19, 2004
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I have always thought of a sex braclets to be just a game but wherew i live they mean
Pink~Kiss on the cheek
Red~kiss an lips
purple~french kiss
purple glitter~oral sex
Black~all of the above
by liz March 8, 2004
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A smallish disgustingly rich town in New Jersey. Defining characteristics include SUVs, loads of money, and a largely preppy lifestyle.
A good indication that you are a Basking Ridge resident is that when you crashed your mercedes on the turnpike on the way to a Dave Matthews Band concert because you were driving while high, your parents immediately bought you a new BMW.
Everybody wants to get as far away from Basking Ridge as possible for college.
by liz December 20, 2004
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a sound used to express confusion or lack of knowledge
a:who is that? and what are they doing?
b: *merph?*
by liz January 8, 2004
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What middle-aged men that are going bald do to "camoflauge" their big gaping bald spot. Not very sucsessful
Why do people think comb-overs make them look less bald?
by liz December 25, 2003
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An exclamation, see oh my god. The way people with Long Island accents say oh my god, or those making fun of them
by liz March 5, 2004
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a guy who says that he wants some, but instead he is too scared to make a move and just leads girls on.
A guy named Hal, who pretends to want to hook up with girls, but who instead is a pitiful virgin.
by liz January 17, 2005
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