7 definitions by ming

A shape that develops around the genital area on womens trousers when they are too tight.
Usually fat women in ski pants. Urrgh!

Also known as camel toe.
by ming April 23, 2003
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adj. charming, intelligent, beautiful.
Usually used to define a lady with everything to be proud of.
You look really linlin tonight.

You're so perfect, you're such a linlin.
by ming March 6, 2003
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A chubby, quarrelsome, curry guzzling chap who is a burden to himself and those around him. Used to be an market trader who's business dwindled. Hence the name "Les-trade"
"that burden to humanity is a right Lestrade"
by ming March 20, 2004
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e: Dude, i just smoked your last bowl.
c: Whaaaaaaa
by ming July 15, 2004
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