15 definitions by Cathy

a person who can't get any at that particular time so they make sure that any attempts that are made on or by you to get some sexual satisfaction are thwarted so that they are not lonely
i wanted to get some at home but my friend keeps calling even though they know we are getting "busy"
by Cathy October 19, 2003
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A state of advanced irritation and/or crankiness.
I'm already ibble about rush hour traffic, don't make it worse by cutting me off.
by Cathy January 27, 2004
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To out think or out do.
I totally smiffed him during the debate.
by Cathy March 9, 2004
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Guilnor has extremely long hair. Guilnor can be really quiet at times, or just really hyper. Guilnor is an extremely cool person.
Her hair goes below her butt.
by Cathy March 21, 2005
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a "hardcore" brainless arrogant child, who loves cathy pham oh so very much.
you pulled a rosinella ( ex. given by the one and only rosinella )
by Cathy January 6, 2005
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1. A gay man or a lesbian woman. Most often used to call out gay men secretively.
Jeremy is *so* tacos.
by Cathy November 10, 2004
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1. A person of a bisexual nature, that is, one who is attracted to both males and females. The term, like "tacos" is used to call out bisexual people secretively.
Cathy is chalupas, she has a girlfriend AND a boyfriend.
by Cathy November 10, 2004
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