27 definitions by Erika

Extremely disgusting, especially with reference to filthy objects or areas.
The bottom of the trash can is disgustipating!
by Erika September 24, 2003
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It is know for being a pasta dish. But now, since I have re-defined it, it is a word for being horny.
"Ooh, I'm feeling LINGUINI!!!"
by Erika May 11, 2004
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A good emo-indie band that I happen to enjoy. Includes 5 guys fron Kansas.
by Erika November 4, 2003
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word used to confuse the hell out of people who like to type out whole words and say "hey thats awesome"
you: OMG OMG I LIKE AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS BAND. *insert band name here*XCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111oneone!!!!!111
by Erika December 21, 2004
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Surfing term used to describe a really sweet event. Could also be used in non-surfing situations as a non-expletive substitute for "fuck."
"Dude, that was one shurging wave."

"You are shurging awesome!"
by Erika April 24, 2005
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vegitarian,animal/andrew loving girl, big green eyes, black chicks ass, and brown hair!!! anti animal made clothing. Tends to be attrackted to boys with Flaming red hair and freckles from head to toe, and wear extreamely tight pants. Usually have a tattoo of a green/blue dragonfly around the stomachal area.
by Erika April 15, 2005
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