171 definitions by Jimmy

1. A very loud fart.
2. A piece of crap which ends up between your butt cheeks by accident when you try to push only a fart out.
1. Joe let out a real ass whopper after eating that can of beans.
2. Tom had to run to the bathroom after blowing an ass whopper.
by Jimmy February 29, 2004
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like bufty but chuftier
nigga 1: i caught spider man jerking off in the pool..
nigga 2: rrruuuuufty
by Jimmy October 8, 2003
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A rare species of female which makes up less than .02% of the population. Under most circumstances an uggo or is really fat.

There is an even rarer subsect of girl gamer which is actually somewhat good looking to average (rating 6.0 and above). This group makes up less than 15% of the girl gamer population.

This is one predominant form of girl gamer in their society: the male gamer masquerading as a girl gamer. They make up over 33% of the population.

The girl gamer usually has an inferiority complex and will try like mad to kill you in her game of choice, but can't because of her inferior fingers. Confront with caution, as a girl gamer is able to let out a battlecry which will attract all the pitiful nerds to her position to attack you verbally.

Another note of caution is this: if you find a "girl gamer" who is willing to cyber with you, it is probably a man using a female alias in order to masturbate to your replies.
I was playing CS and there was this "girl gamer". I witnessed a rather amusing mating ritual in which 10 nerds surrounded her, protecting this "female" from opposing fire.
by Jimmy April 16, 2005
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The process of moving without using your legs.
I don't walk, I mechride.
by Jimmy September 3, 2015
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cap worn by a scally. also known as a burbee cap, beanie, and train conductor's cap.
by Jimmy October 13, 2003
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Hindi for:
An elephants cock is in your ass.
Doctor: Sooo what seems to be the problem here? Lets have a look. Holy fook! Teri gaand mein haathi ka lund!

What the hell is that all ABOOT?
by Jimmy February 18, 2003
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