4 definitions by LordGodKel

Undercover police officers whom inject themselves into protests and incite viol nice against the police and sometimes even commit the offense themselves to give the police an excuse to use force to disband peaceful protests.
Me: Did you see those two guys busting up the water station in Louisville?
Guy: Yeah, we went over to stop them from busting it all up and stealing it and the riot police encircled them protecting them.
Me: Those dirty undercovers just got exposed bro.
by LordGodKel June 5, 2020
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SARS COV2 aka COVID-19 aka Coronavirus aka Miss Rona. The virus that shut down most of the world economy, caused mass panic and tended to have a taste for boomers.
Grandma, you better stop telling me what to do or I’ll put you in and old folks home where you’ll catch the boomer doomer with the rest of the old folks.
by LordGodKel June 5, 2020
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The correct way of addressing the 45th President of the United States of America’s.
Mr. Asshat, 45th President of the United States, just toured a mask factory during the quarantine and didn’t wear a mask.
by LordGodKel June 5, 2020
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A tone that some people possess where no matter what the content of the words they are saying are, they come across as being a complete bitch 100% of the time.
Me: I think I would like some Chinese food tonight.
Wife: You always want Chinese.
Me: Fine we can go where you want then.
Wife: No I’m fine with Chinese food, it just that is always what you want.
Me: I thought your were upset about, I forgot you have Permanent Bitch Tone (PBT).
by LordGodKel June 5, 2020
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