15 definitions by TastesLikeLemons57

A term given to the guy you see who is always talking to girls when he is out, but none of them are sincere in their interest of sleeping with him. He can commonly be found in the friend zone buying drinks for the women around him.
Friend 1: Geez man, there goes Sean again talking to Tina. He needs to just give it up.

Friend 2: First it was Katie, then Jen, and now Tina? Sean is the King of Wishful Pinking.
by TastesLikeLemons57 December 2, 2013
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The greatest adverb of all time.
Taking things to unimaginable distances.

To truly understand you would have to be the son of Plato.
1 - Dude, you are exponentially soft.

2 - Riight, well you're infinitially stupid.
by TastesLikeLemons57 August 27, 2011
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To do something with extreme accuracy and efficiency while making it look easy.
Friend 1: How'd that test go?

Friend 2: PIPED IT!

Friend 1: So did she actually let you come home with her?

Friend 2: PIPED IT!
by TastesLikeLemons57 November 27, 2010
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Deep-friending: to friend someone on facebook as a means for something deeper than just friendship. i.e. gathering information, viewing pictures, stalking in general.
Guy 1: So my girlfriend just called me out on all these pictures that were posted of me on facebook, but i coulda sworn she couldn't see them.

Guy 2: Dude, she's Deep-Friending the shit out of you. Soon your mutual friends will be your entire friends list man. Run.
by TastesLikeLemons57 November 10, 2010
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Abbreviation: Off. To. The. Races.
Hey man come over. We'll have a couple drinks, then it's OTTR
by TastesLikeLemons57 February 23, 2012
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Sexual Intercourse; To throw your salami into a hopefully acceptable orifice.
Friend 1: Hey look at that hot chick over at the bar.

Friend 2: That's easy money man. I gave her the tubesteak shuffle last week.
by TastesLikeLemons57 June 15, 2010
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Going to the championSHIP in any sporting event.
Announcer: "He launches the 3....and hits it! punch your tickets, cuz we're going to the ship!"

Fan: "NO WAYYY! We're goin' to the ship baby!!!"
by TastesLikeLemons57 September 21, 2010
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