4 definitions by Who’R’You

It’s like elevator music with painfully generic vocals added then released to pop radio stations.
A: I think I just wrote to lamest song ever. It simultaneously makes you want to dunk your head in ice water and go to sleep.
B: No, Sam Smith already did that, he’s even worse than Ed Sheeran.
by Who’R’You July 12, 2019
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A straight bottom is a heterosexual man who like to be penetrated. He may go for pegging. He may take another man, but he bottoms for the feeling, not for attraction.
Top: I had sex with that guy.
Top’s friend: Really? I didn’t know he was gay.
Top: He’s not. He’s a straight bottom.
by Who’R’You July 12, 2019
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She’s pretty cute but she expects me to try so hard to win her over, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
by Who’R’You August 17, 2022
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Any band that is generic, corporate pop, often with autotuned 'singing' and music that sounds like it was written by a committee of following a survey of deaf teen girls' music preferences.
A: What's that shit on the radio?
B: I don't know, Maroon 5.
A: The band Maroon 5?
B: I don't know. Some sell-out bullshit 'music'! What's the difference what the current version is called, just change that shit!
by Who’R’You December 21, 2014
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