26 definitions by rose

As in or of saying the term relating to the word "Oh!", as in surprise or astonishment.
Person 1: "I got a new car today!"
Person 2: "OACH!!"
by rose March 15, 2005
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A devilishly cool Volkswagen campervan (the older the better, preferably orange). Named,unfortunatley after a hideously ugly ginger he/she. Who is rubbish at skating, does NOT "scrub up well" and is rather up-herself (with no reason)!
Also available-the MINI stubird
On seeing a rather splendid example of a clapped-out old Volkswagen campervan;

"Wow, what an awesome stubird!"
by rose January 29, 2004
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(n) A derogatory term for a derelict, homeless person, or bum. A dirty, dirty, stinking hobo.
1. There's lots of cracktard criggers around downtown Dallas.

2. Tony is the biggest crigger I have ever seen. Seriously.
by rose March 21, 2005
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1. Japanese word for snow
2. former member of malice mizer, a band in Japan full of really cool cross dressers. sometimes called a gothic band, which kind of fits it. (only former because band broke up) Yuki's classic item of clothes is his top hat
Yuki is the sexiest man on Earth! (In honor of Aja)
I love love to watch the yuki(snow) fall.
by rose April 30, 2004
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a stareo type usually refering to being anoying and a ditz . which people call blondes ( like me) ditz becaouse therer jelous that they have to die there hair that color rather than getting it natually
its not my fault my hair is blodne , so dont think im a ditz
by rose July 1, 2003
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